The Treatment
Razor Bump Cream
3 month supply
How often am I billed?If you select a subscription plan, you'll be billed every 60 or 90 days depending on the subscription. If you opt for a one-time treatment purchase then you will only be billed once.
How do I change or cancel my plan?To pause, cancel, or restart your plan submit a ticket through our contact form and a representative will address your request within 24 business hours!
How am I billed after I unpause a paused plan?If you pause and unpause a plan before your next scheduled billing cycle, then you will be billed on the already scheduled date. If you unpause a plan after the billing cycle date has lapsed, then you will be billed at the time you unpause your plan and future billing dates will be every 3 months from your unpause date.
Will I be charged if my medical application is not approved?You will only be charged if your application is approved.
When does my subscription end?Your subscription ends 1 year after the date it began - this is due to state prescribing laws. To renew your subscription, simply retake the appropriate medical questionnaire to provide us with your updated medical information and checkout with the desired plan.

Our cream and wash can improve razor bumps, help old ones resolve faster, and can prevent new ones.
The Cause
Razor bumps, also known as pseudofolliculitis barabe, is an inflammatory disease of the hair bearing areas incited by shaving. It's more common in people with curly hair - the close shaving of the curly hair causes the hair to curl back, piercing and growing into the skin leading to inflammation.

Tips for Shaving

No Close Shaves If Possible
Use a clipper to keep a short stubble if possible. Using razors with multiple blades, shaving against the grain of hair growth, and pulling the skin taut while shaving can predispose you to developing razor bumps.
Our prescription compound combines a retinoid, a topical antibiotic, and a corticosteroid to decrease inflammation.
Before & After